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The Empty Pulpit: The Obama Problem

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ProudDad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-17-11 11:17 AM
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The Empty Pulpit: The Obama Problem
Of course, politics is the art of the possible and leading is often about compromising. This we know. But there is a critical difference between compromising on strategies versus compromising and even abandoning basic progressive principles and narratives as Obama has done. The immediate result is that the administration compromised badly or was outright defeated. Obama has not become a clever compromiser but rather a recidivist capitulator. But the longer-term damage of the president failing to step into the pulpit of the presidency has been the failure to counter the Right’s reactionary narratives with progressive narratives. This resulted in a disastrous failure to mobilize the base in 2010 and offered no encouragement for independents to join with progressives. Not surprisingly half of the Democrats and the vast majority of youthful voters did not even show up at the polls in 2010. The House majority was lost and if it were not for the buffoonery of several Tea Party Senate candidates, the Senate would have been lost as well.

Un-progressive narratives and their counter narratives in the article...
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msongs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-17-11 11:19 AM
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1. open-mic Obama woke up for a few minutes, now he is back to sleep lol nt
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WiffenPoof Donating Member (676 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-17-11 11:25 AM
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2. I've Always Felt That...
..the primary reason why we lost the House in 2110 was due to the President's Right of Center policies to include the carrying on of the Bush agenda.

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polichick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-17-11 11:34 AM
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3. “It seems that President Obama’s heart and his conscience are missing in action.”
“The expectations were very high that, since he had made human rights an important part of his platform, he would speak out for D.C.,” said Philip Pannell, a former member of the D.C. Democratic State Committee and longtime advocate for statehood. “It seems that President Obama’s heart and his conscience are missing in action.”
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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-17-11 12:00 PM
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4. An interesting read. K&R
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