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(30,257 posts)
111. Moulitsas is not the first one to say it.
Mon May 23, 2016, 12:19 PM
May 2016

Last edited Mon May 23, 2016, 09:43 PM - Edit history (1)

“The problem isn't Bernie Sanders' supporters,” Moulitsas wrote. “It's Bernie Sanders himself … [He] refuses to forcefully and unambiguously reject that violence, instead rationalizing and explaining it away with a mix of grievances and outright conspiracy theory.”

Other liberals have already said basically the same thing. That the problem is not his supporters, but Sanders himself. He keeps inciting his supporters by constantly mentioning that the primary process is rigged against him. This is the same process that was in place when Obama was nominated. Although Obama's advantage in both pledged delegates and the popular vote were razor thin, Hillary never claimed that the system was rigged against her. Instead, she graciously released her delegates at the convention. Hillary's lead is insurmountable, but I doubt that Sanders will be as gracious as she was in 2008. He seems intent on causing strife at the convention, further dividing the Democratic party and indirectly helping Trump.

Disgusting behavior..........

It was the perception we had, that Sanders slowly showed us otherwise. Nt seabeyond May 2016 #1
Sadly, too many of us have lost the goodwill and respect we had for Sanders when he Surya Gayatri May 2016 #3
I would hear the tells from Sanders himself that told me was not coming just from his team, or seabeyond May 2016 #5
^^^This!^^^ Surya Gayatri May 2016 #9
Do you "spinners" realize you're alienating more and more Democrats from HRC by lying? Baobab May 2016 #138
One of several false flag operations of the Hillary campaign #BernieLostMe. merrily May 2016 #7
Yes. Apparently some Hillary supporters are STILL Hillary supporters. News Alert! virtualobserver May 2016 #12
#HillaryLostMe the same way Bernie lost the Hillary supporters posing as Bernie's supporters. merrily May 2016 #44
Did you see Bernie on Sunday Demsrule86 May 2016 #63
LOL! As if you loved him before Sunday? merrily May 2016 #75
Of course not Demsrule86 May 2016 #78
IOW, you didn't like him before and nothing changed. I'll alert the media. merrily May 2016 #85
Funny how Sanders demolishes Trump in all polls and Clinton can't even break even.... Peace Patriot May 2016 #119
Oh, come on. You know that if his campaign had just been "quixotic," you would never have to bjo59 May 2016 #135
No. Most of us were at least Hortensis Jun 2016 #142
Wendell Pierce, a Hillary supporter, was arrested for violence against a female Sanders supporter. MaeScott May 2016 #54
At THIS Point Hillary Desereves ALL The CRITICISM That Can Be Levied At Her! To Date, Her "History" CorporatistNation May 2016 #141
You posted about 99% of the entire article, not much more to read at the link. You should shorten it B Calm May 2016 #2
He posted 30% of the article pinebox May 2016 #22
Funny, only one sentence left in article, does not equal 5 paragraphs. B Calm May 2016 #24
If that be the case pinebox May 2016 #25
Lolololol. More from the Brockettes. What about Wendell Pierce.. MaeScott May 2016 #4
More Sanders fans obsession with Brock. Chuckle riversedge May 2016 #38
and more bullshit from Hillary fans. Phlem May 2016 #41
I'm still not totally sure who that guy is or why wildeyed May 2016 #90
He's the guy the Berned Outs have been convinced -- CONVINCED!!!1 -- would distract everyone Number23 May 2016 #124
I know, right? tazkcmo May 2016 #130
That's the spirit! Keep effing that chicken! Soon EVERYONE will agree that one guy who assaulted Number23 May 2016 #137
"Please do not tell me. If I wanted to know, I would look it up myself." tazkcmo May 2016 #127
No, just a good bullshit detector. wildeyed May 2016 #129
Willful ignorance. tazkcmo May 2016 #131
Or it might be that I know more than you think. wildeyed May 2016 #132
K&R! (nt) apnu May 2016 #6
Imagine that a politician without a halo. gordianot May 2016 #8
Yup, the truth will out. The halo has slipped far down his forehead. Surya Gayatri May 2016 #11
Considering his main opponent never had a halo. gordianot May 2016 #15
Exactly. Hill supporters tend to come down on the side of reality rather than pipedreams. Surya Gayatri May 2016 #16
Good to hear that because the delusion of DU Hillary is very strong. gordianot May 2016 #20
The Clinton campaign, manufactured truth is known...... haikugal May 2016 #34
I was not aware that he had a halo. SamKnause May 2016 #10
I never envisaged him wearing one, but many of his Surya Gayatri May 2016 #14
More shallow garbage Armstead May 2016 #13
^like^ floppyboo May 2016 #114
'Progressives criticizing Bernie now'? Yeah, ok--- John Poet May 2016 #17
Like the "hard" approach is working SO well for him now. Surya Gayatri May 2016 #19
On every site Bernie is being lambasted Demsrule86 May 2016 #64
And they're being well paid to do it! tazkcmo May 2016 #128
This is one of those attacks bobbobbins01 May 2016 #18
From the same mind that brought you "Why It's OK to Accept Wall Street Campaign Cash" hellofromreddit May 2016 #21
Compared to Hillary, Bernie IS DEFINITELY ANGELIC: Herman4747 May 2016 #23
Remember all those adoration pamphlets with the bold and numerous caps throughout. Sheepshank May 2016 #80
"Those pamphlets were the caps"??? n/t Herman4747 May 2016 #94
Those pamphlets where the caps.... Typo fixed Sheepshank May 2016 #95
obvious that sanders appeal is lessening as I see the tone in almost all the online blogs beachbum bob May 2016 #26
^^^This!^^^ Surya Gayatri May 2016 #27
That's because they're in the bag and Clinton is propelling the propaganda using Brock and her haikugal May 2016 #31
Brockettes tap dancing in rhythm , don't you know MaeScott May 2016 #50
Sanders is lying about a contested convention to keep the small dollar donations flowing Gothmog May 2016 #28
Sad, cringe-making devolution and decline of a once worthy and uplifting campaign. Surya Gayatri May 2016 #29
Moulitsas? Another smear using weasel words... haikugal May 2016 #30
^^^This!^^^ B Calm May 2016 #32
Moulitsas was not the author. Surya Gayatri May 2016 #33
So you admit that you didn't give credit to the author in the OP. B Calm May 2016 #35
The POLITICO link is at the bottom of the OP. AFAIK, it is NOT Surya Gayatri May 2016 #36
So you admit that you didn't read it closely? Hekate May 2016 #40
So who alerted? B Calm May 2016 #42
That's my normal PS to our esteemed Jurors in case they are called upon Hekate May 2016 #116
marcos even said dailykos would be all hillary after the first super tuesday Viva_La_Revolution May 2016 #113
KnR. But he still has the birdie, right? Hekate May 2016 #37
The BIRD still believes! LOL! Surya Gayatri May 2016 #39
Halo must be the word for the day. hobbit709 May 2016 #43
Oh, "Bernie Worship" has been a meme on DU for some time. Surya Gayatri May 2016 #46
Like "She's the one" and "It's her turn" hobbit709 May 2016 #47
I have yet to see this sort of unhinged hagiographic worship for Sec. Clinton. Surya Gayatri May 2016 #49
Maybe, because she stinks? B Calm May 2016 #51
Odor has been proven to be very subjective. Check your nasal passages. Surya Gayatri May 2016 #68
Thanks to my allergy relief tablets, my nasal passages are open. B Calm May 2016 #70
Smell disorder facts* - FYI. Might want to have that checked out. Surya Gayatri May 2016 #73
With Hillary's unfavorability ratings looking the same asTrumps, she STINKS! B Calm May 2016 #120
Try your protected group and hillaryclintonsupporters.com hobbit709 May 2016 #52
Point me to where somebody talks of carving her effigy into a mountainside... Surya Gayatri May 2016 #62
It's a Politico article, not from the Clinton camp. TwilightZone May 2016 #57
“The 'burn it down' attitude, the upping the ante…seems to be coming from Sanders himself.” riversedge May 2016 #45
For better or worse, a campaign's tenor is always the responsibility of the candidate. Surya Gayatri May 2016 #48
It sure is! tonyt53 May 2016 #55
It is him Demsrule86 May 2016 #65
Kos and Josh Marshall never endorsed Bernie Sanders Eric J in MN May 2016 #53
The author of this piece is Politico's Bill Scher, May 23, 2016. Surya Gayatri May 2016 #59
Bernie supporters Demsrule86 May 2016 #67
Yes, sadly (but not surprisingly), Fox, RedState, Daily Caller, Breitbart Surya Gayatri May 2016 #72
IF it looks like a duck Demsrule86 May 2016 #87
The growing mind-meld between the two campaigns is disquieting, to say the least. Surya Gayatri May 2016 #99
I know. Bill Scher's piece is about negativity Eric J in MN May 2016 #69
K & R. nt kstewart33 May 2016 #56
Bernie Loses His Halo. stonecutter357 May 2016 #58
Amazing to Behold pmorlan1 May 2016 #60
After seeing Demsrule86 May 2016 #61
"I think his behavior will hurt him in the remaining states including California." Surya Gayatri May 2016 #66
No real progressives are criticizing Bernie. Just the fake ones. ThePhilosopher04 May 2016 #71
And, you are, of course, the ultimate arbiter of that determination. Surya Gayatri May 2016 #74
Common sense is the arbiter. Real progressives agree with Bernie. ThePhilosopher04 May 2016 #100
Not very common in your particular case... Surya Gayatri May 2016 #107
Of course it is. You know I'm right. ThePhilosopher04 May 2016 #108
Bern has done major damage Demsrule86 May 2016 #89
And now the philosopher spouts ALL the logical fallacies. wildeyed May 2016 #93
You meant to say logical truths. ThePhilosopher04 May 2016 #102
No If I had meant to say that, I would have. wildeyed May 2016 #121
Obviously not. ThePhilosopher04 May 2016 #123
mirror wildeyed May 2016 #125
Garbage dump with this op. 2banon May 2016 #76
Might want to have that checked out. Could spell trouble. Surya Gayatri May 2016 #77
Bernie never admitted to having a halo. HRC minions put one there to trash Bernie. n/t Larkspur May 2016 #79
Oh, reeeeeally? It's his acolytes here on DU who have elevated him to holy heights. LOL! Surya Gayatri May 2016 #82
And I know of HRC supporters who are desperate for HRC to become president so that they can see a Larkspur May 2016 #91
yep...his followers put one there with some regularity Sheepshank May 2016 #84
Poor Hillary. Tierra_y_Libertad May 2016 #81
Thanks for the kick! Surya Gayatri May 2016 #83
He's insisting on integrity -- to finish the work of democratic voting that he started. Respect. ancianita May 2016 #86
There clearly was a time that I would proclaim how lucky the Dems were to have two awesome choices Sheepshank May 2016 #88
And I have the opposite view Larkspur May 2016 #92
So well stated, especially this: Surya Gayatri May 2016 #97
If this is going to be the new Monday Attack Bernie Meme... Else You Are Mad May 2016 #96
She never had one. wildeyed May 2016 #101
Bingo. Else You Are Mad May 2016 #103
His brand was the non-politician with the unchanging ideals. wildeyed May 2016 #98
How the mighty have fallen... Surya Gayatri May 2016 #106
kick samsingh May 2016 #104
>>>"Even progressives are criticizing him now after he’s shown a harder edge.">>> Smarmie Doofus May 2016 #105
Are there any people left who think politicians are good people? My Good Babushka May 2016 #109
MGB, you said a passel of truth there. But, as a general rule, Surya Gayatri May 2016 #110
Moulitsas is not the first one to say it. Beacool May 2016 #111
Thoroughly despicable behavior. He's losing more credibility every Surya Gayatri May 2016 #112
The OP's propoganda misses the mark for one key reason the 'team' just can't get - floppyboo May 2016 #115
Bernie isnt being a good little liberal and I say, 'good for him.' aikoaiko May 2016 #117
This totally represents the reality I have seen. Many people, both Sanders supporters and not anotherproletariat May 2016 #118
so you won't have to hold your nose so much? floppyboo May 2016 #122
He needs to spend some of that last 5 Million on an image person. Every time he's been shown in the anotherproletariat May 2016 #126
Thumbs down -100 eom Karma13612 May 2016 #133
whqt's with all this halo, angels and warm and fuzzy rubbish Rosa Luxemburg May 2016 #134
Sanders is showing that he has poor judgement Gothmog May 2016 #136
Like not voting for the Iraq war nt/t eridani May 2016 #139
Pragmatists hate it when a liberal keeps fighting for liberal causes. aikoaiko May 2016 #140
K & R BootinUp Jun 2016 #143
Latest Discussions»Retired Forums»2016 Postmortem»"Bernie Loses His Halo. E...»Reply #111