steve2470's JournalObama says he's more worried about the possibility of ‘nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan’ than..
Obama says he's more worried about the possibility of nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan than Russian threat
WASHINGTON President Obama is more worried about a nuclear terror attack targeting New York City than he is about Russia's territorial ambitions, he said Tuesday.
"Russia's actions are a problem," Obama said Tuesday in The Hague, Netherlands, after the third meeting of the international Nuclear Security Summit.
But the Russians "don't pose the No. 1 national security threat to the United States," the President said.
"I continue to be much more concerned when it comes to our security with the prospect of a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan."
you really can't get too vulnerable on DU or anywhere on the internet....
Think about it. There's 2,405,518,376 internet users in the world, per this:
It only takes one sociopath to ruin your day. Even if that statistic is wrong, it only takes ONE. There's some really um not very nice people on the net.
Florida Man Trapped in Bathroom While Trying to Steal Girl's Underwear travel factoid
Hey, we'd all like to travel to the South Pole in Antarctica, right ?
Ok, I'm an oddball. I'd love to go.
Only one small problem.
Cash. Rather, the lack of it. Unless you want to work for the NSF.
Cost to fly there:
(make sure you're firmly seated on your chair)
Yes, you read that correctly. I guess I'm never going. I don't know that I want to work for NSF.
President Obama has a Quora account to answer questions think you have to register to actually see the questions and answers. Enjoy !
Elizabeth Warren petition: Let's end the student debt crisis !! (Florida) Man set off military type explosive on another man's car,0,3334093.storyHere's a SIM-ply BOMB-bastic way of making a point.
Aaron Nesbitt, 29, of DeBary was allegedly angry with an Orange City man who took his cellphone and returned it ... without the SIM card, cops said, reports The Daytona Beach News-Journal.
So Nesbitt reportedly went to the parking lot of the restaurant where his nemesis was working and placed a military artillery simulator explosive, an M-21 a devise that produces a flash, noise and concussion -- .on the hood of the man's car.
Can he hear him now?
FloridaMan never takes a day off. Everywhere in FL, all the time, simply amazing.
weed legalization for recreational use in all 50 states
NOT a thread to argue in....please....only your opinion
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