steve2470's Journalok my two cents
Best case: He drops all the racist crap and really most-stupid crap he's said, and governs as a moderate Republican, having periodic fits of televised rage because Congress won't snap to. Democrats block his most conservative stuff. He's a one-term President.
Worst case: He really means all the racist crap, and tries to get Congress to go along. Democrats plus a few sane Republicans spend four years blocking him. He manages to piss off Putin, North Korea and Iran enough to set us back 40 years but no nuclear war gets started (I think Trump is smarter than that). Mexico starts loathing us. Canada wonders if we've truly gone insane this time. Our allies start thinking of us like they did under GWB43. He's a one term President, and goes in the Hall of Shame next to GWB43.
Hopefully I just wasted my time.
Best wishes and some advice....
1- Study up on your diagnosis, from GOOD sources on the internet like webmd, Mayo Clinic, etc. It will help you immensely, I promise you. Try to learn the lingo as well as you can, so you can communicate better with your doctor.
2- About your doctor: Ok, here goes. Yes, SOME doctors and psychiatrists are really nice people with no God complex, and can accept suggestions and feedback. However, in MY experience, they are very touchy and territorial creatures. Do not ever try to play doctor or tell THEM what to do. It sucks, but it's the way it is. Be very tactful and diplomatic, and just describe your symptoms as precisely as you can. If they are competent, they will know what to do. Don't suggest an exact dosage, because you will get asked where you went to medical school. Don't suggest a medication, because of the same reason. You will learn how to work with your doctor eventually. Hopefully you have a humble nice doctor. Ask leading questions in a semi-dumb Columbo-ish kind of way. They will pick up on your lead, if he or she is competent.
3- Lithium is great but very powerful. Get your blood levels faithfully. It's not something to be casual about. Take it exactly as prescribed, which is my suggestion for all psychotropic meds.
Best wishes to you, and keep us updated.
when you get right down to it, the entire USA was founded as a racist utopia
Slaves counted as 3/5ths of a free white person, anyone ?Slavery legal in the USA until December 18, 1865 ?
I think Oregon has nothing to apologize for, whatsoever.
I think you owe DU a sincere and humble apology for this BS
Theoretically you have not been reading the news for weeks and stumbled on this and posted with extreme impulsivity.
Otherwise, we all have you pegged now. Just sayin'.
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