AllaN01Bear's Journaltodays din will be,,
chicken. 2 small potatoes . and a carrot cut to fit my small 5 quart crock pot. will be ready in 5 hours. also add 4 cups water .
my din is ,,,
my din is chef boyardee spaghetti and meatballs and salad with cottage cheese topping along with milk and meds s.
the last of the cape horners
how the west was won main title.
i am experimenting with fedora linux.
am looking for current b.a.s.i. c interpetrs and environments .
tried to install some via sudo dnf install but no joy . any suggestions ? any recomendations for c interpeters ? thanks in advance .
hey big internet providers , you wanna know why your systems are so slow? your dang ads and all the
videos refreshing, not us end users that you always blame for ur problems . a system that is built on top of archaic Tec that is at least 20 30 years old .
pika fire , yosemite np. HAWAIIAN WEAPONS
&t=57shanging apps after attempt to close them.
im a mac driver . but mac has a unix filesystem called darwin which is a watered down version of berkley dsb which is a unix based os. i re learned a important lesson today. my webrowser refuses to close when i dismiss it . so , in this case , goto terminal, type killall, one word , and the name of your feisty app. bing, done .
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: california
Home country: usa
Member since: Tue Jan 10, 2017, 02:45 PM
Number of posts: 23,562