AllaN01Bear's Journalstate of afairs so far.
tRumpfruherer is ignoring the courts . i understand this is a test run. if nobody does anything we are in serious trouble . this muslem ban reminds me what was done to japanese americans during world war two in ansanr and other places .
i said in a prior post that i didnt recognize ths country since 2000
its gone . so long and thanks for all the fish.
how many prez. orders in a week. my head is spinning.
if obama did ths the Rs would be all over him like flies .
man the hypocracy just keeps growing and growin. my head hurts.
a word on fake news and news in general.
news is a contraction that stands for New Story.
i am going to present to u a disscusion between my late mom and my late grandfather .
character 1: lucian
character 2: dythe- mary
at the time of the conversation, dythe mary was 5 yo.
" lucian to dythe mary and where did you hear this ?" " on the radio." who was on the radio?" mr .murrow". and where did Mr. murrow hear this "? " from mr. hoover ? dythe mary please be careful what you read .see and hear.
I cant stand stupidity for stupidity's sake . Fear for fears sake.
(klaatu the day the earth stood still.) the legacy one , not the remake.)
And I have seen it a lot lately . getting fed up with it.
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: california
Home country: usa
Member since: Tue Jan 10, 2017, 03:45 PM
Number of posts: 22,667