AllaN01Bear's Journalwith the fracus going on in dc this feeble brain of mine now finally computes .
that the rs stormed a grand jury room in secret session. they all should be disciplined , which i understand may be going on as we speak. thanks to all the du members help me understand this situation. " i cant stand fear for fears sake and i cant stand stupidity for stupidities sake" klatoo the day the earth stood still . (1950s version, not the horrid remake )
i dont know where to put this , so , I am going to put it here untill it gets flagged .
there was a post on here discussing a major wind event for california,
where pg and e , our northern ca electric utility, will be shutting off most of northen california to mrrow .
I talked to my sis in north hollyood ca and she said that the winds should get there by thursday. She said that the electric companies will be shutting off most of the state . ive been watching a website that forecasts winds and so far , rather calm. wind website posted below.
for those in the know , these are surface winds .
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: california
Home country: usa
Member since: Tue Jan 10, 2017, 03:45 PM
Number of posts: 22,575