AllaN01Bear's Journalinteristing.
hihowdi. am looking for a shopping bag that fits under a walker .
seen a lady at our local walmart who had one . mine has a seat but nothing to put items in it ? thanks . tried on line but get baskets and so fourth but not that .
need input .
what is it with these rs and fascists and anharcists and so on with the word pinko, what does it mean? ive heard them use it for years . i was called a comunist pinko pig way back in high school by my rop instructor. so i wear it with pride .thanks in advance .
i am in my anual lenten boyycott of youtube . reading . surfing the net
and of course , du. du rocks also on youtube , i may not return. yt is insisting that everyone pay $10.00 month to remove ads , im glad i have a pretty good ad blocker but the buttons for the ads are annoying.
i first joined youtube in 2009 through various accounts that were hacked , then google went and bought it and now its a pile of shaaaving cream.
on that $10.00 a month thing to remove ads , a friend of mine does that and he still gets ads .
how do i
post a computer screen shot on here ? do i need a photo hosting site to do that ? thanks in adavance .
national cathedral bell tolls 500,000 times .
cats reaction to the japanese 7.3 quake a while back.
from a friend who sent me this via skype ,,, enjoy. ohm myyy.
thanks to all who sent the hearts . spread the love
Profile Information
Gender: Do not displayHometown: california
Home country: usa
Member since: Tue Jan 10, 2017, 02:45 PM
Number of posts: 23,137