AllaN01Bear's Journalthings will get a little dicy for sonora ca tonight /tommrow /fri.
from pg and e metero
nws 7 day
snow from 1 to 2 feet in spots above 3000 feet, eep
giant condor hugs man who rescued it.
giant condor hugs man who rescued it.
whole lot of shakin goin on.
grat balls of fire .
computer music. note the first computer ever to play music was built in au
using this methold later the engnineers used a speaker to do this
im watching a delayed broadcast of the macys thanks giving day parade .
via youtube and a chap called bagels and walks . using a lowly iphone 14 . nothing said just let it roll. better than a nationial big corperation with lots of cameras and lots of terrestrial microwave . happy thanksgiviing du.
post editied and a link provided below
with all the nonsense that the rs a spewing about gays ,,,, i have this memory
of when the gays in the usa walked out in a general strike . one thing that sticks out to me was in ny where a lot of the office buildings were dark and many students walked out of class. however i dont remember what year . am i dreaming?
view of earth and moon as seen from spaceship orion.
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: california
Home country: usa
Member since: Tue Jan 10, 2017, 02:45 PM
Number of posts: 23,562