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Pototan's Journal
Pototan's Journal
March 14, 2024

Trump is just like us

After all, hasn't everyone that's been accused of violating the espionage act appeared in a court that's being presided over by a judge we appointed?

(sarcasm intended)

March 14, 2024

I would like to see the original "love letters" from Trump to Kim Jong Un

Sending self-described "love letters" to one of the most ruthless and bloodthirsty dictators in history seems to me to be a pretty important campaign issue. Why haven't Congressional and especially Senate (we hold the majority in this chamber) demanded to see these communications?

It seems like the Republicans will go to any lengths, including lying and colluding with the enemy, in an attempt to gain the upper hand and embarrass Democrats. And we seem to play by the Marquis of Queensberry rules.

March 13, 2024

Trump White House Had a Big Drug Problem

Uppers and downers were allegedly handed out like candy to officials serving the former president according to Rolling Stone's Nikki McCann Ramirez, who made her claim after the Department of Defense issued a report on the issue.

In January 2024, the Department of Defense’s Office of the General Inspector published an 80-page document detailing how the White House Medical Unit was engaged in a lot of problematic behavior while Trump was the president.

The report concluded the White House Medical Unit’s pharmacy operations “had severe and systemic problems” and stated that the unit relied on “ineffective internal controls to ensure compliance with pharmacy safety standards.”

March 13, 2024

Nikki Haley is getting over 15% of Georgia Primary vote

17% of Republicans are not voting for Donald Trump. The areas in which this vote is most noticeable are the cities and suburbs, where Trump is most vulnerable.

That's a big number, considering there are no active candidates on the ballot. just names.

March 11, 2024

Biden Leads Trump in Latest Polls

How Donald Trump And Joe Biden Polls Look Eight Months Before Election
By Kate Plumme

President Joe Biden is beating his Republican rival, Donald Trump, in multiple polls as the presidential election campaign begins in earnest.

A rematch between Trump, the former president, and Biden has been all but confirmed in the general election after former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley last week dropped out of the GOP primary, leaving Trump without opponents.

Since then, a series of polls have suggested Biden will narrowly beat Trump in the November vote. But with eight months to go, and the polls so tight, this could change and a number of polls have also indicated that Trump will win the election.


March 11, 2024

Could Trump Be Suffering from Long Term Covid Symptoms?

Back in 2020, Donald Trump was admitted to Walter Reed with severe covid symptoms. Later, it was determined that he was more ill than originally thought. Experimental drug "cocktails" were use. As a result, Trump's strange behavior (stranger than before covid illness) could be attributed to his near-death experience with the virus. I have linked to an article from that time that speculated about the odds of long-term symptoms of covid for Trump.

Here are excerpts from the Business Insider from Oct. 2020 and a link below to the full article:

More than 80% of people who are hospitalized with COVID-19, like President Trump, experience neurological symptoms including head and muscle aches, confusion, and dizziness, according to a study out Monday in the Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology.

About a third of patients hospitalized by the disease, caused by the novel coronavirus, experience encephalopathy, a broad term describing altered brain function or structure, the study found. Encephalopathy was also associated with an increased risk of additional complications and even death.

It's unclear how long neurological symptoms can linger, but some experts worry that for some survivors, some effects may be permanent, or even lead to another epidemic of brain damage.


March 10, 2024

Voter support for a candidate should be a "credible accusation" standard

Too many in the media, too many of the pundits and far too many of the voters are looking at the Trump accusations the wrong way. I hear too many politicians and TV personalities saying, "well, in this country, everyone is innocent until proven guilty". That's the standard for a defendant facing justice in a court of law, not for a voter in choosing a Congressperson, a Governor, a Senator or a President. If an average US government employee with a national security clearance is indicted for passing secrets to a foreign government, he doesn't go back to his position pending trial. If a teacher is arrested for sexual assault of a minor, he or she is not sent back to the classroom until the case is adjudicated. If a bank employee is indicted for fraud, he or she is not returned the next day to their position since, after all, that person is "innocent until proven guilty".

Yet, when it comes to Trump, his supporters insist on a unanimous criminal guilty verdict in a court of law. I contend that an indictment is a credible accusation. The defendant, even Trump, should not be incarcerated unless and until he is found guilty in a court of law. But I contend a civil jury finding that Trump committed rape and has to pay $93 million, rises to the level of a credible accusation. A settlement (as in Trump university, $25 million) is a credible accusation. A finding of fraud and an order to pay $455 million is a credible accusation. That the 92 indictments, in which evidence was brought before citizens who found "probable cause" are credible accusations.

This, "Innocent until Proven Guilty", "Beyond a reasonable doubt" and a unanimous verdict of a jury of one's peers is our system based on, "I'd rather see 99 guilty men go free, than one innocent man wrongly punished". I agree, for incarceration. But not for President. Are you kidding me? If Trump goes to trial and the jury is hung 11 guilty to 1 not guilty, do you think that clears him to serve as President? Think about how asinine that is. Sure, in our system, he doesn't go to jail, but being the leader of the free world?

I'm not saying every half-baked bullshit accusation against any politician is grounds to withhold support. The accusation must be credible. Gary Hart and John Edwards come to mind. And those were moral picadilloes between consenting adults outside of marriage, although Edwards also included indictments for hush money payments in which he was not convicted.

If our society, our media and our voters felt the way I've described, Trump would be rushing to the courts to clear his name, if he was innocent. Delay would be the strategy of Trump's opponents.

So, in closing, let me put it this way. Do MAGAts think it's OK to support Trump because he just might have committed fraud? It's OK to support Trump because he's probably a rapist, but he hasn't been criminally convicted? It's OK to support Trump because he's only more likely than not to pose a national security risk to our country?

This is truly the world upside down.

March 10, 2024

I will never understand

I have friends who would never tolerate their adolescent son or daughter bullying or insulting anyone for their disability or shaming them for their looks. Or to torture another kid because his or her name is funny sounding or ethnic.

Even more so, the parents would go out of their minds with anger if one of their children were the victim of such reprehensible behavior.

Yet, they place their cult leader on a pedestal and have their children think acting this way is socially acceptable.

I really am baffled by people that I know.

March 8, 2024

Trump supports nationwide abortion ban with exceptions...

...for rape and incest.

Boy, every issue has always got to be about him.

March 8, 2024

A potential Trump term is not just 4 years

I have heard too many people who should be voting for Biden say, "I survived one Trump term, I can survive another". This is said in rationalizing withholding their vote and support for Biden.

In the best-case scenario, in which Trump is unable to establish a long-term American dictatorship in his second 4-year term, there is still the Supreme Court.

You can fully expect Thomas and Alito to retire and be replaced by much younger versions of these two ultra conservative justices, thereby condemning these voters and the whole country to those draconian decisions for most of the rest of their lives.

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Member since: Tue Dec 20, 2022, 10:03 AM
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