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Thank You For Sharing cantbeserious May 2014 #1
My Catholic HS taught us that Noah's Ark and Creationism were BS AllTooEasy May 2014 #97
No, Noah's Ark totally happened nikto May 2014 #99
Same thing for my Catholic high school in 1962 eridani May 2014 #119
Pretty much the same in my Catholic H.S. TexasProgresive May 2014 #122
My Presbyterian minister taught the same thing. Allegory. riqster May 2014 #124
Hell, I went to a Catholic grammar school -- in the 1950's, yet -- and RVN VET May 2014 #138
Great show. He's building up to a big climax of telling all the repubs that they are idiots for FSogol May 2014 #2
I figured he would show that Reagan wasn't give a place in the stars despite Nancy's astrology. Spitfire of ATJ May 2014 #54
This show is my priority for the week. oldandhappy May 2014 #3
yes. northoftheborder May 2014 #102
God is only limited by, and only exists in, the imagination of humanity. JJChambers May 2014 #133
Noah, in the Sumerian story was named Utnapishtim lumberjack_jeff May 2014 #4
The ancient Hebrews just filed off the serial numbers and claimed the story as their own. hobbit709 May 2014 #5
Wasn't the boat cube-shaped? sakabatou May 2014 #157
This predates the rubic system, i.e. "Rubics cubits". n/t lumberjack_jeff May 2014 #163
But the boat was a cube sakabatou May 2014 #164
Translating from Sumerian is probably problematic. lumberjack_jeff May 2014 #165
*shrugs* sakabatou May 2014 #166
retold as Gilgamesh before the Noah myth arely staircase May 2014 #6
What makes you think the flood was "localized"? (See: Titicaca, Lake.) WinkyDink May 2014 #42
because a flood covering the who earth seems implausible. nt arely staircase May 2014 #45
In those days they didn't realize there was a "whole earth" jmowreader May 2014 #58
sure but their known earth would be localized by real global standards nt arely staircase May 2014 #59
There was an episode of ancient aliens... Blanks May 2014 #83
I am guessing the Tigris and Euphrates flooded a lot arely staircase May 2014 #92
Sure, but they ancient alien episode... Blanks May 2014 #93
you lose me at ancient aliens every time. nt arely staircase May 2014 #94
I'm kind of joking... Blanks May 2014 #111
Ancient Aliens FlaGranny May 2014 #127
I know. Blanks May 2014 #160
Extinction Calista241 May 2014 #153
Are you trying to say Lake Titicaca was formed by a world-wide flood? nt Codeine May 2014 #103
You are refereing to the Tihanaco ruins (and terracing) from, at most, 1500 years ago intaglio May 2014 #113
What is the significance of Lake Titicaca? morningfog May 2014 #126
Saw it - imagined fundie heads exploding The Velveteen Ocelot May 2014 #7
Why? jberryhill May 2014 #8
Because it suggests that the Genesis story The Velveteen Ocelot May 2014 #13
Have you ever spent time with actual Bible believers? jberryhill May 2014 #20
I have, in fact, spent time with Bible believers, and I didn't like it much. The Velveteen Ocelot May 2014 #24
I have met many Christians that are like awoke_in_2003 May 2014 #51
Another fun one is asking fundies where they think angels came from. Ikonoklast May 2014 #21
Huh? Sgent May 2014 #155
Ice age melt. Teacheral May 2014 #31
Many intriguing possibilities with ice dams. Alternatively, Mediterranean & Black Sea Bernardo de La Paz May 2014 #33
'Believers' already have hand-waved that away for the reason the poster above you mentioned. AtheistCrusader May 2014 #40
Which is infuriating. NuclearDem May 2014 #17
Large parts of the Old Testament were written after the Babylonian exile & return. Bernardo de La Paz May 2014 #27
The aim of all those fundie laws to get creationism into the classroom is two-fold. First... Moonwalk May 2014 #69
Yeah this was a shot across the bow ... jimlup May 2014 #9
One would think the entire series was taped ahead of the season jberryhill May 2014 #11
Writing, pre-production, taping all done. Often editing is finishing an episode or two ahead. nt Bernardo de La Paz May 2014 #34
I think Dr. Tyson anticipated the rightwing/fundamentalist response..... LongTomH May 2014 #74
That's the only thing Bible-believers WON'T object to jberryhill May 2014 #10
Flood Myths Around the World PADemD May 2014 #12
Civilizations always grew up in river basins. MohRokTah May 2014 #18
Recommend PADemD May 2014 #38
Yeah. Ironically, Noah's Ark might wind up being "true" after all, in the future. Arugula Latte May 2014 #23
+1! Louisiana1976 May 2014 #76
Read Ben Elton's "Stark" Prophet 451 May 2014 #128
Where will the extra water come from? FiveGoodMen May 2014 #156
To whom? merrily May 2014 #117
Yes PADemD May 2014 #123
Good Television Diremoon May 2014 #14
Fox TV is very separate from Fox News. Note the animated comedy shows. nt Bernardo de La Paz May 2014 #35
Every time I watch the latest in the Cosmos series justhanginon May 2014 #15
I have noticed that they credit women (finally!) for a lot of important things. The Velveteen Ocelot May 2014 #26
Tyson has credited several women exboyfil May 2014 #44
Yes. What I meant by "(finally!)" was The Velveteen Ocelot May 2014 #50
We are in agreement then exboyfil May 2014 #52
K & R Iliyah May 2014 #16
A very good episode this week LibertyLover May 2014 #19
We started watching Cosmos on Hulu last week. The_Commonist May 2014 #22
banning cosmos? mehrrh May 2014 #25
"Why didn't Carl Sagan see this kind of controversy?" jberryhill May 2014 #29
Carl Sagan most definitely saw this kind of controversy. arcane1 May 2014 #46
He did get some flack about exboyfil May 2014 #55
Very good points! arcane1 May 2014 #70
mehrrh Diclotican May 2014 #63
Cosmos and "demonic possession?????" LongTomH May 2014 #75
Cosmos ran in 1980. Reagan didn't take office until 1981. After that, the valerief May 2014 #86
It also reran in 1981-82 sybylla May 2014 #104
. libodem May 2014 #28
Neil deGrasse Tyson is my new hero. The Velveteen Ocelot May 2014 #30
He is one smart and articulate cookie libodem May 2014 #32
Yep, he is one smart, credible dude ... oldhippie May 2014 #37
.... Duppers May 2014 #89
But that is my point, I don't necessarily believe a consensus ... oldhippie May 2014 #100
but Dr. Tyson is a scientist, only a well-known one. Duppers May 2014 #107
You find my opinion offensive? oldhippie May 2014 #137
Wow! GeorgeGist May 2014 #125
Thank you .... oldhippie May 2014 #136
And, Wow! Iggo May 2014 #161
Missoula Flood is a well documented more recent glacier event.....where I now live..... zwyziec May 2014 #36
And boulders from Montana are found hundreds of feet above the central scrutinizer May 2014 #98
Thanks for spoiling it. I have it on DVR. JohnnyRingo May 2014 #39
He did not quite go far enough nadinbrzezinski May 2014 #64
Not only did I see it, but I wrote down the guy's name…(Gilgemesh) (spelling?) for research. nt silvershadow May 2014 #41
Gilgamesh jtuck004 May 2014 #48
Ok Thank you. :D nt silvershadow May 2014 #139
epic of Gilgamesh in cartoon :) eShirl May 2014 #57
It was just Utnapishtim doing his civic duty... FailureToCommunicate May 2014 #132
I don't have a tv, so I didn't get to see it, but there is a class called "Heaven and Hell" taught jtuck004 May 2014 #43
That sounds like a fascinating class!! arcane1 May 2014 #47
One of the few really good ones. n/t jtuck004 May 2014 #49
Apparently he also has a class, "A Cultural History of Beer". I suspect that one jtuck004 May 2014 #81
No one needs a tv these days Egnever May 2014 #71
Thank you very much for the link. I will take advantage of it. jtuck004 May 2014 #72
No problem Egnever May 2014 #73
It's just a learned skill. Put some things in the ground and learn about them, and don't jtuck004 May 2014 #78
Well I am sure I am not helped Egnever May 2014 #82
5 gal buckets, shade, and a hose. You will grow better tomatoes jtuck004 May 2014 #84
I was told by a Jewish friend that the books of the Old Testament are not meant to be VanillaRhapsody May 2014 #53
E-Z-B Diclotican May 2014 #56
Every ancient culture has a flood story smallcat88 May 2014 #60
I heard that the melting of the ice may account for the legends of Atlantis. The rising waters E-Z-B May 2014 #62
Atlantis was a myth Prophet 451 May 2014 #129
Of course the explanation nadinbrzezinski May 2014 #67
... napkinz May 2014 #61
+1 million Louisiana1976 May 2014 #79
+ another million valerief May 2014 #91
+ another Million Duppers May 2014 #168
The study of geology got its start SheilaT May 2014 #65
for those climate change deniers napkinz May 2014 #66
:) napkinz May 2014 #68
I thought it was the creation of the Black Sea when the mediterranean rose after the ice age melt vkkv May 2014 #77
Mount Sinai is in the Sinai penninsula, between the Red Sea and modern-day Israel muriel_volestrangler May 2014 #121
Didn't see it, but it sounds good. AverageJoe90 May 2014 #80
I saw it, too, and loved it. I wish the series wouldn't end. Tyson is so engaging. valerief May 2014 #85
Please tell me he said it was a legend, and not that it 'occurred' muriel_volestrangler May 2014 #87
Sorry but there maybe.... whistler162 May 2014 #105
That 'controversial theory' doesn't actually have decent evidence for it muriel_volestrangler May 2014 #120
I can't wait to see the season. obxhead May 2014 #88
So far, Hiding in the Light has been my favorite episode, although I've enjoyed them all. valerief May 2014 #90
He did it beautifully. I know those stories, and have taught them... Hekate May 2014 #95
Missed it last night klook May 2014 #96
... napkinz May 2014 #101
am so stealing that. Duppers May 2014 #108
But it's in the Bible!! It's the the word of God!! We must believe believe believe believe YOHABLO May 2014 #106
Clap louder, Christians! backscatter712 May 2014 #147
Ancient Crash, Epic Wave Strelnikov_ May 2014 #109
Did a Comet Cause the Great Flood? Strelnikov_ May 2014 #110
Not to be trouble nadinbrzezinski May 2014 #142
We love it, too! cilla4progress May 2014 #112
Archeologists and anthropologists believe that the entire Adam and Eve truedelphi May 2014 #114
Damn they did not enforce copy right back then nadinbrzezinski May 2014 #115
You might enjoy how empowered the feminine is in this "different" telling of truedelphi May 2014 #116
People, thousands of years ago, trying to make sense of what happens to them and their merrily May 2014 #118
Can't wait for it to be shown here Prophet 451 May 2014 #130
Cosmos is slowly turning the tables on the Creationists. JoePhilly May 2014 #131
That man has a kind of Cool-Hand Luke quality to him Bucky May 2014 #134
I think Neil is wrong about that one. dawg May 2014 #135
Alas there is agreement as to what Neil covered among experts. nadinbrzezinski May 2014 #141
That means very little. People tend to localize myths and legends ... dawg May 2014 #144
What do they have in common? RIVERS nadinbrzezinski May 2014 #145
I still think it's more likely that the flood stories were inspired by something much larger ... dawg May 2014 #146
But experts do not agree nadinbrzezinski May 2014 #148
I still disagree. dawg May 2014 #150
And we have no evidence that something like that happened in the Neolithic nadinbrzezinski May 2014 #151
I enjoy thinking and arguing about things like this. dawg May 2014 #152
Yeah, we are taking bronze age nadinbrzezinski May 2014 #154
Without a doubt, there was no global flood. dawg May 2014 #158
and we know that from Mycenae nadinbrzezinski May 2014 #159
The other thing I loved about last night's Cosmos judy May 2014 #140
I think I remember Fundamentalists rejoicing about the war in Iraq. The destruction of Babylon E-Z-B May 2014 #143
Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Miles O’Brien slam CNN as the ‘Wal-Mart of journalism’ napkinz May 2014 #149
+100 Duppers May 2014 #167
and here's a deeper discussion on Mesopotamian ties to their neighbors, yea and nay MisterP May 2014 #162
I just watched it d_r May 2014 #169
Latest Discussions»General Discussion»Cosmos & Neil Degrass...»Reply #106