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In reply to the discussion: At least 6 killed (now 15 children dead), over 30 wounded in Hezbollah attack; IDF probing why rocket not downed [View all]AloeVera
(2,133 posts)You could say that the Abraham Accords in some ways led to October 7th. It's a harsh view, I know, but it's shared by many and it's not far-fetched. It gave nothing to Palestinians except some vague promise that Israel would endeavour towards a solution. Which didn't happen. The Accords not just sidelined the Palestinian issue but made it pretty much invisible and forgotten. It was the despair and anger, the sense of betrayal too, that fomented the necessary hatred to carry out October 7th.
In fact even the the State Department under Trump warned that the Accords and the normalization were leading to further radicalization of terrorist groups. No one listened, right up to October 7th.
And now the Knesset has essentially outlawed a 2-state solution. So what is there left? Is Israel willing to give ANYTHING to Palestinians?
And why is the cycle of violence pre-destined? Are you saying that nothing is going to change either in Israel's policies or Palestinians' rage and despair? It's not an equal fight, it has not been for nearly 50 years, you could say more. Might makes right in this world and that will always lead to resistance and efforts to re-balance towards some justice.
As for the WWII analogies, I don't buy that. There is not a shred of commonality with the circumstances of Palestinians. Germans and Japanese were clearly the agressors, annexed illegally in the case of Germany, had their own nation-state to begin with, they were not expelled from their homeland and barred from returning (Berlin Wall notwithstanding), their occupation by the Allies was time-limited and they had the Marshall Plan. "Befriending" and showing compassion and humanity, giving vast financial assistance for reconstruction to your former enemies - all of this goes a long way toward healing and reconciliation. Is Israel willing to do that now?
I have seen a lot of that "why are they not like Germans, why can't they just let bygones be bygones like civilized people"? It's absurd to me that those arguing this don't see they are comparing apples and oranges and then blaming Palestinians for not being the right kind of fruit. Or rotten fruit, because they just won't accept that they've been plucked and plundered like "civilized" people.
And yes, I do see subtle Islamophobia and racism at work in these types of arguments. Similar to how you see suppressed anti-Semitism bubbling to the surface in people who are very vocal in their criticism of Israel.