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Now, from a clean slate, I will get to see what health care is like here [View All]

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ThomWV Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-17-11 01:39 PM
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Now, from a clean slate, I will get to see what health care is like here
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After a lifetime of relatively good health I now have a problem that if left untreated will kill me in short order. I have a tumor in my gut but apparently no major organs are effected yet, its in the muscle. It has cost a bit to find this thing that is growing in me, prior to last week my total medical bills over the last ten years have not totaled three thousand dollars, but most of that was spent last year when I first started having pains. They found and identified the thing last week by way of a biopsy, I will meet with some doctors tomorrow after some other tests are done at which time I expect I will know a lot more and some sort of treatment plan will be devised.

So now I get to see what it costs. I have what is often referred to as golden health insurance, I have Blue Cross/Blue Shield from the Federal Employees Health Benefit Plan, I've had it since 1985.. This is one of the most common choices from those available to all Federal Employees and their families from the President right on down. Its the one that the Republicans call the Cadillac plan. We'll see. This should prove interesting.
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