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Reply #3: NEI: proliferation is "the most serious economic, social and human issue around nuclear energy" [View All]

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bananas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-17-11 06:21 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. NEI: proliferation is "the most serious economic, social and human issue around nuclear energy"
Edited on Sun Apr-17-11 06:23 PM by bananas
Even paid nuclear industry spokesman Patrick Moore called nuclear weapons proliferation "the most serious economic, social and human issue around nuclear energy."

U.S. Nuclear Industry Fires Up Public Relations Campaign

By J.R. Pegg

WASHINGTON, DC, April 24, 2006 (ENS) - The nuclear industry launched a new campaign on Monday to generate support for increased nuclear power, spearheaded by Greenpeace cofounder Patrick Moore and former U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Christine Todd Whitman.


Critics contend it is not just fear that has halted the expansion of nuclear energy - it is concerns about cost, safety, waste disposal and nuclear weapons proliferation that have caused investors and the public to balk at new nuclear plants.


Moore called nuclear weapons proliferation "the most serious economic, social and human issue around nuclear energy."


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