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Why I would choose some Clinton Supporters to be in my fox hole. [View All]

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grantcart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-24-08 10:34 PM
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Why I would choose some Clinton Supporters to be in my fox hole.
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Let's start with the obvious.

Neither side has a monopoly of virtue and there have been some very obnoxious supporters of both sides.

There are some Clinton supporters: Bigtree and Tom Rinaldo for example (I know there are others but I have a hard time keeping track of all of the names here) who have continued to fight for Hillary on highly principled terms.

And they have done so against a deluge, a flood, a Tsunami of opposition. I admire that. I admire the fact that they continue to pursue their conviction and do so in an admirable way against incredible opposition. They have searched for high ground and the high path.

Unfortunately there are some Clinton supporters here who, it seems to me, hate Obama and have packed their bags and are simply trying to stir up the hornets nest as much as they can before the title 'preferred nominee' is formalized. It also seems that their activity is organized (possibly from another site). There are also republican trouble makers who pose as Clinton supporters to continue to divide us.

One of the sad realities about Clinton's changing of the metric and Rovian tactics is that it forces her loyal supporters to try and justify unjustifiable positions and remarks. Who at DU can possibly try and hold up the 'obliteration of Iran' as a positive development? Her disappointing explanation for her IWR has little possible positive spin beyond 'nuanced'.

For the Clinton supporters who have remained loyal and have kept to the high road - in some cases a higher road than I traveled - I admire you and wish that your candidate reflected the high qualities you so clearly demonstrate.

I hope that after Oregon we will be in the same fox hole because there are some Clinton supporters who personify the qualities of enlightened progressive world view, persistence, patience, loyalty and long term commitment to the principles of the Democratic Party.

Others may have particular Clinton supporters they admire but because of my 'half-heimers' memory I have over looked. If you do please add them below.

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