Updated 9/26/071. VIDEO FORMATSYour video must be hosted at YouTube.com. The DU Political Videos forum does not currently accept video from other sites. If you have a video from another site, you'll need to upload it to YouTube before you can post it in this forum. See YouTube's
http://www.youtube.com/t/help_center">Help Center for more information on how to upload.
2. HOW TO POST IN THIS FORUMAfter you click the "Post" icon at the top of the page, you will be asked to submit the URL of your video. Go to the YouTube page which contains the video you want to post. In the box to the right of the video, just beneath the "Tags" section, you will see a textbox marked "URL." Copy the entire URL from that box, and paste it into the Video URL box on our Post page. YouTube URLs look like this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CfvWdiAaRM3. VIDEO CONTENTThis is a political website so we expect the videos to have some political content or relevance to current news stories. It is the opinion of the administrators that more often than not, music videos posted in this forum are only tangentially related to current events. Therefore we reserve the right to remove any music video that does not directly reference the news of the day. Be aware that all DU rules -- including rules regarding which topics must be posted in which forums -- are applicable to the DU Political Videos forum. (For more information, see the section titled "Where to post various discussion topics" on our
detailed rules page.) Also be aware that the administrators of Democratic Underground reserve the right to remove any video from this forum at any time for any reason. In addition, since these videos are hosted on YouTube, they may become unavailable if the host site has technical problems or if they are removed from the host site for any reason.
4. VIDEO TITLESYou do not have to use the same title as the original YouTube video, but please make sure that the title you enter matches the content of the video. This will make videos much easier to find.