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Willard Mitt Romney disses local bakery's cookies & the woman who presented them to his Royal Heiney

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Divine Discontent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-19-12 05:00 PM
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Willard Mitt Romney disses local bakery's cookies & the woman who presented them to his Royal Heiney
Edited on Thu Apr-19-12 05:35 PM by Divine Discontent
Run time: 00:18
Posted on YouTube: April 19, 2012
By YouTube Member: MrItch
Views on YouTube: 93
Posted on DU: April 19, 2012
By DU Member: Divine Discontent
Views on DU: 1159
Oh good heavens, what a cold-hearted disrespectful arse!

They're from a local bakery - and he actually disses them as if they're those cheap $1 bag of "sandwich cookies" that have the white icing in the middle! They are not those cheap kid-type cookies. I'm actually surprised he didn't mock the Solo cups! She shoulda flipped the tray and said, "well bring your own ya arrogant assh*le!", and walked off! :rofl:

But, really, to sit right down and immediately start dissing your host, what CLASS!

some pics I made, and pay attention to her face of embarrassment, as he ridicules her local bakery's nice cookie tray she was probably proud to present. F*CKING ASS, I hope everyone gets a good hard look at the type of man Willard Mitt Romney shows himself to be ALL too often. A vote for him is a vote of a fool and it's up to us to make that clear to everyone we contact regularly - Mitt doesn't understand the 99% at all! I hope a Dem group runs this in Penn and other states, for that matter.

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tnlefty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-19-12 10:00 PM
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1. Oh, if only someone had poured the lemonade over his head
and proceeded to throw the cookies at him.

Will he ever figure out why people just don't like him?

Thanks for posting this. I heard about it earlier, but hadn't seen it. :hi:
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dtexdem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-20-12 01:14 PM
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2. Losing votes, one cookie baker at a time.
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