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Video of a pastor throwing flour from a pail, hopping on tables.

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madfloridian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-10-12 12:26 PM
Original message
Video of a pastor throwing flour from a pail, hopping on tables.
Run time: 06:01
Posted on YouTube: January 23, 2012
By YouTube Member: NorthernHero099
Views on YouTube: 3942
Posted on DU: May 10, 2012
By DU Member: madfloridian
Views on DU: 857
I read at Wikipedia that this church has 10,000 or more members.

The current population of the church is 10,000 members and growing.<1> In 2005, over 50,000 viewed Jesus of Nazareth written by Munsey in the two largest venues Seattle, Washington and Munster, Indiana.<1> He is a national spokesman for the television documentary called Exposing the DaVinci Code as seen on Pay per View, national television and cable TV outlets.<1> Munsey has spoken out boldly against the DaVinci Code as have many other pastors. In addition, he is regularly featured in the Wall Street Journal newspaper as a key national figure spokesman for key issues. New York Times magazine recently featured Dr. Munsey for being a prestigious religious leader sensitive to issues concerning Jews from around the globe, especially Israel.<1> Pastor Steve Munsey is a regular on "This Is Your Day" with Benny Hinn and many more national and international television programs seen daily such as Paula White's Paula Today talk show.<4> Steve Munsey has also caught the attention of Time magazine, People magazine, Ladies Home Journal and Fox News which have spotlighted his Starbucks café in the lobby of the church.<1>

There is an interesting comment after the video at You Tube:

but worse again, are those who sit under such ungodly behaviour, & allow it to continue, let alone actively support it financially.

Watch the audience applaud and cheer. That is scary.

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Divine Discontent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-10-12 01:58 PM
Response to Original message
1. Where's my barrel? People are touching it all over! I'd touch it, too!

I can honestly say, the believer in me who loves the Lord, would never sit through this kind of insanity, well, unless I wanted to laugh as I watched a guy responding to the effects of cocaine! Is that what was in that barrel? The screaming, the strange movements, the wording... it's all just another day in "PROSPERITY GOSPEL" WORLD!

when he climbs up on the table (and nearly gets a broken neck when the table nearly flips), and then freezes himself above the flour, and then screams... oh my... :rofl:

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madfloridian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-10-12 02:59 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. It's absolutely weird...all those people cheering him on. It's scary
to think that many would fall for such antics.
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