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Blackmailing the President

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MinM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-23-12 09:23 PM
Original message
Blackmailing the President
Edited on Wed May-23-12 09:33 PM by MinM
Run time: 06:57
Posted on YouTube: May 28, 2007
By YouTube Member: 10Garmonbozia01
Views on YouTube: 45620
Posted on DU: May 24, 2012
By DU Member: MinM
Views on DU: 661
Now that Patrick Fitzgerald has retired... The conviction of Scooter Libby and protection of Cheney becomes clearer.

Rod Blagojevich Hints That Feds Were After Barack Obama
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No Elephants Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-25-12 05:37 AM
Response to Original message
1. Self delete.
Edited on Fri May-25-12 05:47 AM by No Elephants

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MinM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-05-12 09:17 AM
Response to Original message
2. from Holder to Holding...
Another Witchhunt (of a Democrat) Ends with ZERO Convictions
by: mooncat
Thu May 31, 2012 at 21:40:35 PM CDT

George Holding, the North Carolina prosecutor who initiated the investigation of Edwards and pressed for his indictment, is a staunch Republican who remained in office during the Obama Administration thanks -- oh-so-ironically -- to the backlash against the politicization of federal prosecutors by the Bush Administration. Holding spoke openly about seeking partisan political office while still serving as a U.S. Attorney, stepped down to run for Congress just after indicting Edwards, and has used the indictment as a centerpiece of his political campaign, while repeatedly criticizing the president who permitted him to holdover as U.S. Attorney for North Carolina's Eastern District. In pre-trial motions, the defense has alleged not just that Holding had political ambitions but that he harbored outright bias against Edwards as well.

John Edwards 'not guilty' on one count; mistrial declared on remaining charges

John Edwards trial jurors: Panel majority wanted to acquit

bUSh Attorneys becoming bUSh Judges
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