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Very weird political ad from Central Florida. It's embarrassing.

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madfloridian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-28-12 11:21 PM
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Very weird political ad from Central Florida. It's embarrassing.
Run time: 00:30
Posted on YouTube: July 25, 2012
By YouTube Member: Peter Schorsch
Views on YouTube: 46
Posted on DU: July 29, 2012
By DU Member: madfloridian
Views on DU: 434
It's airing on TV right now quite often. I looked up the group which is running it, but there is no info on their site about who they are.

I would say they are pretty doggoned confused and extremely far to the right if they call Kelli Stargel a liberal.

The ad is ridiculous. This is about all I could find. Pathetic is an apt adjective as well.

Watch this funny new attack ad: Kelli Stargel, the liberal creature from Tallahassee

The article is more complimentary than I would be.

I keep looking it up on, but for the life of me I can’t find the second, presumably obscene, meaning of the word “liberal”.
Sure, the old black-and-white movie thing is vaguely clever. I did chuckle a bit watching it, I guess. But the grainy footage of old movies and the cuts between scenes obscure the references to Rep. Stargel’s record. I see they included references to her record from various sources, but I’m not sure why they bothered. You can barely see any of it.
Two, I’m not sure how you call the Association of Builders and Contractors Friend of Free Enterprise Award winner in 2009 and 2010, the Florida Chamber of Commerce “A” Honor Roll recipient in 2009 and 2010, the Florida Right to Life Legislator of the Year in 2010, the Christian Coalition of Florida Faith and Family Award recipient in 2009, the Florida Family Policy Council Defender of Marriage Award recipient in 2009 and the former President of the Republican Women’s Club of Lakeland a “liberal”, but here we are.
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Divine Discontent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-29-12 04:47 AM
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1. wow, that's bad!
Edited on Sun Jul-29-12 04:47 AM by Divine Discontent
I, though, have been giggling at the horrendous "Obama demonized us" commercial where they take his comment out of context about small business. Ah.... the sleazy campaigns of right-wingers, full of humor and oddity, and lacking in the truth...

Get it here --->
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