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Public Schools Denounced at Tea Party Rally in Tampa..Neal Boortz

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madfloridian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-27-12 02:21 PM
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Public Schools Denounced at Tea Party Rally in Tampa..Neal Boortz
Run time: 01:18
Posted on YouTube: August 27, 2012
By YouTube Member: RWWBlog
Views on YouTube: 150
Posted on DU: August 27, 2012
By DU Member: madfloridian
Views on DU: 249
Public Schools Denounced at Tea Party Rally in Tampa, Blamed for Election of Barack Obama

Conservative talk show host Neal Boortz, speaking at yesterday’s Unity Rally 2012 in Tampa ahead of the Republican National Convention, denounced public schools as “government schools” that are “forced upon us.” Boortz blamed “100 years of government education” for bringing America “to the point that a man like Barack Obama could be sworn in as president of the United States.”

Boortz directed the crowd to change the way they speak about public schools – calling them “government schools” instead. He also called on the audience to “preach school choice,” by which meant efforts to defund public schools and provide taxpayer dollars for religious and private schools and homeschooling.

..."They are not public schools, they are government schools. They are owned by, staffed by, operated by and forced upon by the government.

And, ladies and gentlemen, it is 100 years of government education that led us to the point that a man like Barack Obama could be sworn in as president of the United States.

So, wherever you are, preach school choice.

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Enthusiast Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-27-12 11:06 PM
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1. Neal Boortz
is about as disgusting as Limbaugh.
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