SocialDemocrat61's JournalExcellent takedown
Bill Maher is at it again with another take thats left everyone stunned. His latest comments have sparked outrage, debate, and disbeliefand I cant hold back anymore. Heres what he said and why its driving me crazy!
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That Zuckerberg started the LA wildfires after eating aborted fetuses for breakfast and then went to have sex with a goat.
Happy Festivus!
Can we please stop pushing the 'DNC sabotaged Bernie Sanders' myth
Sorry for the rant but I'm tired of seeing this still pop up in threads here. Bad enough it is still being pushed elsewhere.
Yes, there were emails in 16 from DNC staffers where they voiced a preference for Hillary Clinton (an actual Democrat) over Bernie Sanders (an independent who refuses to become a Democrat) in the primary that year. But beyond those email, there has never been any evidence that any action was taken by the DNC to sway the outcome in favor of Clinton. Anyone who claims this is just engaging in a conspiracy theory.
I hate that this even needs to be brought up 8 years later, but we should be a fact based community. Not one that indulges in rumors. Thank you.
Glad she has a sense of humor about it me, but I've had it with pundits telling the Democratic Party what it "needs to do"
The big problem with most of these prognostications is that each person who makes one does so through their own ideological filter. So Bernie Sanders is going to say that the party needs to move more left while James Carville is going to say it needs to move more to the center. But there is not one all sizes fit solution. What works in Pennsylvania is not necessarily going to work in Nevada. As the saying goes 'all politics in local'. Unfortunately, DC consultants don't understand that.
My background is marketing and advertising. If I had a brand that was losing sales, I would examine what was happening on a local level. Which would include analyzing the data market by market, speaking with local distributors and most importantly consumers. The goal is to find out what is happening on the ground and address the causes of the problems.
OK I've had my rant. Have a nice day everyone.
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Name: JamesGender: Male
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Member since: Thu Oct 19, 2023, 08:18 AM
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