gibraltar72's JournalMy little local FB group raised over a grand
for President Harris in less than 24 hours. I in the past have offered to match contributions when I'm about to give. Routinely I have a few that contribute. On Sunday I went to FB and as a whole group was sad and mad. Some swearing off party.. I thought this was a teaching moment, asked people to breathe. I posted I might do something special. I knew I was gonna give money so why not challenge them. I offered to match $3 to $2 and asked if they thought we could raise a grand. I know in the grand scope of things that isn't much. However the fighting spirit came out. I made the offer Monday afternoon. When I opened FB this morning we had hit the magic number. My little FB group of good people in a bad area, Hillsdale County Mi. is ready to fight. If you are on social media try something like this before you give. It motivates people. At least that is my experience.
Meanwhile in my little Republican hellhole
hard by Christstain Nationalist Hillsdale College. In Camden Michigan a petition will move forward to remove school board members who committed the mortal sin of deciding to not belittle indigenous people any longer. The school board decided to do away with mascot and name Redskins. For the knuckle draggers that was a bridge too far.
I was embarrassed to hear it announced on local radio station and I'm embarrassed to post it, but that is living in a deep red county.
Meanwhile in Michigan Prosecutor threatens librarian. roads to Republican Presidential nomination will pass through Hillsdale College.
As I predicted earlier the Republican Gong Show Started when Mike Pence spoke at Christian Nationalist Hillsdale College earlier this year. It has been announced Ron d SANTIS. will speak there next month. I predict all serious Republican candidates will be forced to kiss Larry Arnns ring. I also expect they will have to make radical promises to him to get his blessing. Larry Arnn fashions himself a kingmaker, and holds a lot of sway with the most conservative donors and big corps.
I predict a new "Kingmaker" in Republican party.
The gong show will begin on march 1 when Mike Pence speaks at Christian Nationalist Hillsdale College. I believe every Republican candidate for President will have to kiss the ring of Larry Arnn President of Hillsdale College. You can already hear Arnns voice through dummies like DeSantis, Younkin, and Lee. Arnn is the ventriloquist speaking.
Hillsdale College has found the perfect scam to raise millions of dollars, portraying itself as all that is good and moral in America. Because of their outsize influence this small Michigan college has become a symbol of resistance against government, "as long as it's not their government" Arnn was instrumental in the production of the 1776 project that was offered up by TFG to counter the more factually correct 1619 project.
I predict a steady stream of Presidential wannabes will try to curry favor with Arnn by appearing at College to speak on topics that tickle Arnns fancy. Topics could be as with Pence Faith, destruction of public education, minority rule etcetera. Anyway I'm sure you get the drift. None of it is good for America as we know it.
Can I sue.
Just came out of 4 days with no electricity, heat, water and good humor. I had a 41 day streak going with Wordle. I couldn't play for four days. The bastards called my streak broken and started me over at 1 yesterday. This has caused me extreme stress, humiliation and anger. I feel deeply aggrieved and think they have made a tragic mistake causing me great harm.
Just finished a Webinar on CRT from USC Pullias center 5 takeaways.
But first I am an old white guy who hasn't been in a classroom in 50 years. so a lot for me to unpack.
#1 CRT has become a brand, because you can kill a brand but not an idea. The right has become successful in making CRT a brand.
#2 CRT has become a hot item as a counteroffensive after the George Floyd televised murder. The right saw civil rights in the forefront and with traction, a lot of people were paying attention.
#3 CRT began as a study into the inequities in our legal system, laws and people of color as lawyers, judges,
#4 CRT at its base is notion that systemic racism has negative outcomes in legal system and education.
#5 CRT is about a counter narrative when the facts or subject matter is different than ones experience would dictate.
#6 CRT is widely accepted in most fields of study.
#7 One must remember what was happening when we made our "biggest strides" in civil rights. And I admit I had to step back and remember. The cold war was raging Soviet Union was waging propaganda war and using our civil rights issues against us. Some that helped pass civil rights laws were fully committed. But some went along to take a talking point away from Soviets and never were fully in. Some of those factions remain and refuse to acknowledge all of history.
I still have a lot to unpack but so pleased I took time out of "my busy" day. I welcome discussion on my observances.
Pro tip for snow removal
live next door to head mechanic at county base garage. That is all EOM!!
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