RJ_MacReady's JournalMore voters trust Harris on economy
The script has flipped! While trump flails around with his new Nazi pal Elon voters are looking to VP Harris for economic growth. Keep the pedal to the floor and lets elect Kamala Harris!
The traitor is having another meltdown
Its gotten even more unhinged worse than ever. What is he even saying?
only the most dedicated MAGAt approved of that press conference
Wow what an incoherent dementia ridden rant! Only the most dedicated MAGAt thinks that went well and gained him new voters lol. It's pretty obvious by now his campaign is crashing and burning. His handlers are probably covered in ketchup.
The convention will be a Biden celebration
Not a worshiping event like the RNC. Biden will and should be praised for the excellent job he has done in his term, he has nothing to be ashamed about and can hold his high and proud!
Trump is chaos
Everywhere trump goes and everything he does causes chaos and misery, such as the shooting. I know many would be down on this idea but this needs to be stated. Trump bring chaos, to himself, to others around him and to the county. This needs to be part of the Demlcratic message, and no we can longer worry about what the other side would say or how this would be perceived by them.
President Biden's campaign must seize this moment
While the orange traitor is basking in his victimhood, Biden needs to put the attention on the attendee who was killed. While trump makes it about him Biden makes it about an innocent victim of gun violence (also subject to motive of the shooter).
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Member since: Thu Jun 27, 2024, 09:58 PMNumber of posts: 104